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Learn how Australian Government Agencies are protecting users and safeguarding information from mobile-based attacks by adversaries.

Malicious cyber activity continues to pose a risk to Australia’s security and prosperity. According to the “ASD Cyber Threat Report 2022-2023,” a range of malicious cyber actors showed the intent and capability needed to compromise vital systems, and Australian networks were regularly targeted by both opportunistic and more deliberate malicious cyber activity. This targeting further extended to mobile devices, where threat actors targeted Australia and its citizens with more mobile malware than most other nations in 2023. 

To convey the scope severity of the situation, each week more than 2000 “zero-day” malware samples were detected by Zimperium (no other industry coverage), in addition to over 77,000 other malware samples every month (Zimperium zLabs). ASD responded to over 1,100 cyber security incidents from Australian entities. Separately, nearly 94,000 reports were made to law enforcement through ReportCyber – around one every 6 minutes.

During this webinar, we will dive into these details and more. Register today and if you can’t make it, we’ll send you a link to recording!

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July 24, 2024 | 9am ACT